Friday, July 20, 2012

Harrison, Arkansas

Made a short drive over to Harrison, Arkansas where we will be staying for 6 days to enjoy all the motorcycle roads. On the way over we saw an ATV come off the back of a trailer(the axle broke). At first we thought it was a car flipping but all it was was an ATV. It landed on all four tires, well off the road.

It has been over a 100 every day so far and is making the riding of motorcycles a little less enjoyable. But still the rodes are great and we have seen some wonderfull country. We took a nice ride over to Eureka Springs an old town from the late 1800's. It has some real nice old buildings and if it had been cooler, I am sure more tourists would have been there. Chucks' navigating skills haven't been the best and on 2 rides we have probably added 75 miles to our rides. I am not complaining, but Suzanne never got us lost like this. We took a nice ride the second day and ended up in Witt Springs, a town of 10 with a small place to eat called Cindy's. The food was good and ALL the locals were there. There were also dozens of hummingbirds feeding We asked this one guy how to get to Harrison and he said “You can't” and laughed. We were in no man's land:)

We took a nice 6 mile kayak ride down the Buffalo River. The water level was very low and we had some very shallow areas. The river was very cool and the views were fantastic. This was very mild for Chuck who is a seasoned kayaker, but for me it was a first.

We will be here for a few days and hope to have some cooler days.

Eureka Springs

Tom on the Buffalo

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