Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Going to Bowling Green

Well Bowling Green, Kentucky is home of the only Corvette Assembly Plant. We had to see this plant and watch the Corvette being assembled. It was cool. The tour takes a little over an hour and is well worth your time. It really makes you want a Corvette!!
After this tour you can go across the street and see the National Corvette Museum. This museum showcases the Corvette an American sports car that has been in production since 1953. The museum is listed in as one of the 1000 things you should see before you die. So it is a must if you like cars and especially the Corvette.
We also had a very special exhibit at the museum. It was a 9/11 exhibit called a Global Moment. It is a major exhibition, including over 100 important artifacts from the World Trade Center, victims, survivors, the aircraft and the international response from the collection of the New York State Museum. Included are hundreds of photographs, media, a rescue vehicle destroyed on 9/11, and compelling objects, expressions of sympathy from New York, such as the Times Square scrolls, memorial fences and missing posters, that bring to the visitor the powerful human response to the attacks. It was a very moving exhibit!!

our daughter Nicole, put a ribbon on a fence like this

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