Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mitchell, S. Dakota, Ackley, Iowa and Champaign, IL

Not much to report as we head home to Florida.  We did get to the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. It is a rather interesting place and we can now say we have been to the Corn Palace. How many of you can say you have?

We spent 2 nights in Ackley, Iowa with not much to do but eat out and visit the soda fountain.

Then on to Champaign, IL. where we were able to take a side trip to visit LeClaire, IA and the famous Antique Archaeology, home of the American Picker TV show. There were a lot of tourists and people visitng the shop. It is a very small place and right across the street from the police station. It was neat to see some of the stuff I have seen Mike and Frank pick on TV.

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